Wild turkey numbers in Canada have exploded over the last few years. As they continue to move north more and more, new seasons and hunting opportunities for this challenging fare are growing.
Turkeys typically love to hang out in transitional areas next to farmland where they find soil to dust but still have the security of forest coverage. They move in and out of the fields in the morning and evening and literally know where they are safe and not safe. Early spring offers an advantage as the foliage has yet to appear on the trees, allowing hunters to see the birds at a further distance while moving into late May, hunters will need to call the turkeys out to the fields. Keeping still is important, turkeys have excellent eyesight.
Thanks to wildlife restoration and the capacity of this bird to move to new habitats, Canadians can now hunt turkey in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba (residents only), Ontario and Quebec. Although you can find wild turkey in other provinces, it is not currently legal to hunt them there. Getting permission to hunt on private areas is essential.
For detailed coverage of Wildlife Management Units, Zones, and Game Hunting Areas across Canada, be sure to check out our new Hunting TOPO maps.

BC Wild Turkey Hunting
In British Columbia, wild turkeys are classified as upland birds (small game) while across the border, wild turkeys can be classified as big game. Other upland bird species include grouse, pheasant, partridge, and quail.
Turkey can be found all along the two southern regions; Boundary Country and the Kootenay, typically between Nakusp and Grand Forks. Prime locations include Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) 8-15, particularly around Christina Lake, and WMU 4-8, between Trail and Castlegar. WMU 4-6 around Creston is another popular turkey spot. As habitat is usually rural/farmland and private property, ask permission from local farmers before accessing their land.
There are two turkey seasons in WMU regions 4 & 8, in the spring and in the fall. The spring hunting season starts April 15 and ends May 15. The fall season begins September 1 for bow and October 1, for bow or shot, running until October 15 or November 30, depending on the WMU for any turkey. Bearded turkeys are only open September 1 to 30 by bow only. These WMUs and more can be found in detail in our Hunting TOPO maps.
In the spring, hunters can harvest one bearded turkey only but in the fall BC turkey hunters can harvest one male or female bird. The cost of a license to hunt upland birds (including turkeys) is currently $50 and all licenses expire on March 31st of each year. It is legal to hunt with a rifle or a bow, but make sure you check the specs on both before you head out to bag your bearded Tom.

Tip: Like all hunting, take the time to figure out the turkey’s movement patterns. Watch the trails and do some pre-hunt reconnaissance to find the best spot; the route the birds follow between their roost and morning food.
Alberta Wild Turkey Hunting
In Alberta, the main turkey subspecies is the Merriam, considered the wild turkey of the west. Alberta Merriam’s prefer open deciduous forests, forest edges in foothills and semi-mountainous areas, commonly roosting in pine trees at sundown.
The hunting season for turkey runs from May 1 to 31. While these elusive creatures can be found in the Cypress Hills areas around Elkwater, only Wildlife Management Units 300-308, 400 and 402 covering the foothills on the western side of the province are open for hunting. As is common in other areas, prime turkey habitat is mainly found on private property in Alberta, talk to landowners and obtain permission before hunting. These WMUs and more can be found in detail in our Hunting TOPO maps.
In Alberta, wild turkeys are classified as a Game Bird and resident game hunters require a WIN card and a Wildlife Certificate. Hunting Merriam’s requires a special license available by draw only with one bearded male harvest permitted per special license holder. Hunters can often end up waiting 6-8 years to get a tag.

Tip: Turkey’s have keen eyesight, avoiding wearing red, white or blue colours while hunting.
Manitoba Turkey Hunting
Like the other western provinces, the turkey habitat and range primarily cover the southern portion of Manitoba. The spring hunt runs from April 25 to May 24 (dates vary by year), with only turkeys showing a visible beard allowed to be taken. Any turkey can be harvested during the fall hunt, which runs from September 15 to October 15.
Although turkey hunting is limited to a specific number of Game Hunting Areas, spots to check out can be found in the south and west of the province. These include GHA 28 around Souris, GHA 22 and 28 around Brandon and GMA 30 near Spruce Woods Provincial Park. Always be sure to obtain permission if heading onto private property to hunt. These GHAs and more can be found in detail in our Hunting TOPO maps.
In Manitoba, a valid Manitoba Hunter Education Certificate is required to purchase a hunting license. Resident youth between the age of 12 to 17 can hunt legally without a license provided that they carry proof of their age and hold a Hunter Education Certificate. And of course, they must hunt under the supervision of an adult that also has a license for the same species. The province offers a Wild Turkey Seminar to both youth and first-time turkey hunters. It is illegal to purchase or obtain more than one turkey license at the same time for the same hunting year.

Tip: It’s not safe to stalk a wild turkey as you might mistake another hunter’s turkey calls for a bird you can bag and vice versa.
Ontario Turkey Hunting
Ontario continues to see the turkey population grow exponentially in the province. While plenty can be found in Southern Ontario, their range continues to expand and they can be now found as far north as Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury and North Bay.
The spring hunting season begins in late April and runs until the end of May for bearded turkeys only, while the fall season opens October 12 and runs to October 24 (dates vary by year). Those hunting with a bow can enjoy an extended season, encompassing the entire month of October. Dates vary from year to year so doublecheck the regulations.
The geography of Southern Ontario is perfect for turkey populations; plenty of open farm fields interspersed with the safety of trees and forest. Hunters near the GTA can head towards the Brantford area, a short distance from the city while those in Eastern Ontario will find plenty of spots throughout the Ottawa Valley in Lanark and Renfrew Counties. Further north opens up where Crown Land and locations are endless. Look for crown land areas on our topo maps next to farmland and brush up on your calling skills.
Ontario residents wishing to hunt wild turkey must have a valid hunting version outdoor card with a small game license listed on your summary and a wild turkey tag. The legal hours to hunt turkeys are a ½ hour before sunrise and a ½ hour after sunset.
Click here to learn more about the Wild Turkeys of Southern Ontario.

Tip: Make sure a decoy or harvested turkey are fully concealed in a camouflaged vest or hunter orange.
Quebec Turkey Hunting
Wild turkey hunting in Quebec is much like other provinces in Canada with hunting in season allowed from one-half hour before sunrise until noon using both bow and shotgun. Depending on the hunting zone, there are 12 or 25 half-day spring seasons with bag limits of 1 or 2 bearded turkey depending on the zone. During the fall, only hunting zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 are open for 7 half-days with only 1 bearded or beardless turkey allowed.
Like other areas of the country, turkeys are found in the southern portion of the province, along the south shore of the St. Lawrence, through the Eastern Townships and as far east as Mont-Joli, as well as stretching north from Montreal and Trois-Rivières. The province features both Wildlife Reserves and ZEC’s (controlled hunting areas), with prime locations including the Saint-Maurice, Mastigouche and Rouge-Matawin Wildlife Reserves and throughout the Gatineau and Laurentian regions.
To acquire a wild turkey hunting license, all participants need to hold a hunter’s certificate and hold proof (attestation) that they have taken a course on wild turkey hunting while non-residents do need to show proof or attestation of taking a turkey hunting course. A young person may hunt with an adult who possesses a wild turkey license and carries their certificate with them at all times. If the youth does kill a turkey, it must be added to the adult’s license and registered under their own name.
Given the keen eyesight of their quarry, turkey hunters in Quebec do not have to wear blaze orange while hunting. However, they cannot use a dog for retrieval and, since turkeys are not defined as small game, laws regarding shooting from public roads apply.

Learn more about turkey hunting in Quebec here.
Do you have a favourite turkey hunting location? Let us know! Be sure to check out our new Hunting TOPO Maps to help plan your next hunting adventure. Looking for detailed GPS maps to help pinpoint that hot spot? Check out our Western Canada and Eastern Canada Backroad GPS Maps. These maps showcase private or Crown land areas, WMU/WMZ/GHA/Hunting Zone boundaries and much more!