From Prairie Plains to Boreal Forest and Beyond: Saskatchewan’s Hunting Hot Spots

The province of Saskatchewan is home to some surprisingly diverse hunting terrain for both big and small game. In the south, the prairie region holds grasslands, savannas and shrublands, ideally suited for elk and mule and white-tailed deer. The central portion of the province features aspen parkland with groves of aspen poplars and spruce while in the north, boreal forest with cedar, fir, pine, hemlock, redwood and spruce is home to large herbivorous mammals such as black bear, caribou, elk, moose and white-tailed deer.

Waterfowl & Upland Bird Hunting

Saskatchewan also sits on one of the continent’s major waterfowl flyways and ducks, geese and migrating birds offer excellent bird hunting over marsh and lake areas. Additionally, the dense underbrush in the south of the province also offers good hunting for Hungarian partridge, sharp-tailed, ruffed and spruce grouse along with pheasant and ptarmigan.

White-tail and Mule Deer Hunting

White-tailed deer are abundant throughout the province of Saskatchewan. In fact, genetics and habitat have combined to produce some record-breaking specimens. In some areas, such as the southwest, the white-tailed deer populations have increased to levels that have required extended antlerless hunting seasons to help moderate population growth. Mule deer populations, spurred on by multiple mild winters, have also grown and new hunting opportunities have been added to some Wildlife Management Zones.

Moose Hunting

Moose hunters enjoy great success throughout the northern boreal forests, as Saskatchewan’s lake-studded geography offers an abundance of marshy shoreline where moose like to gather. The Porcupine Hills, Cumberland Delta, Wapawekka Hills, Pasquia Hills and the Meadow Lake regions are some of the best locations within the province. That said, hunting pressures have contributed to a downward trend in moose populations and as such, hunting season dates and draw quotas have been reduced, primarily within the southern forests.   

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Bear Hunting

While black bears can be found throughout the northern forests of Saskatchewan, their range extends down into the southeastern regions as well. Hunting camps have reported seeing at least one or two bruins weighing between 180-225 kg (400 and 500 lbs) every year. Bear hunts can prove challenging, often requiring travel by boat or all-terrain vehicle into remote portions of the province. Black, brown, blonde and cinnamon specimens can all be found as well as bears with white chevrons on their chest.

Wildlife Management Zones

Saskatchewan has 76 Wildlife Management Zones and like any other province, there are rules and regulations in effect. For non-residents, hunters must use the services of a licensed outfitter to hunt for black bear, moose and white-tailed deer while non-Saskatchewan Canadian residents must use an outfitter to hunt for moose. Hunting for antelope, elk and mule deer is reserved for residents of the province only and most seasons are managed by computer-draw. For full details visit

Have we whetted your appetite for big game or game bird hunting in Saskatchewan? Full details of all game and bird species along with detailed information on every Wildlife Management Unit can be found in our Saskatchewan Backroad Mapbook, GPS Maps and Mobile Maps.

Additionally, our custom TOPO Maps offer high-resolution views of specific hunting areas, perfect for planning your next hunting adventure. Hunters can browse our map catalogue by Wildlife Management Zone and choose the exact area where they plan to hunt.

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