Dustin Porter

On the (Back)Road -

Dustin Porter, an adventurer and filmmaker, embarked on a challenging journey to realize his passion. Initially aspiring to be a stuntman, he encountered setbacks but maintained unwavering ambition. Transitioning through various industries, Dustin quietly honed his filmmaking skills. Launching a YouTube channel, he documented his adventures, gaining local recognition on Shaw TV. Seizing an opportunity, he leveraged his TV show experience to secure a role as Princess Cruises' first Video Producer without a film degree. For three years, he circled the globe, crafting his filmmaking expertise until the pandemic halted the cruise industry. Undeterred, Dustin pivoted to YouTube, facing initial financial challenges. Through persistence and freelance work, he found success, garnering a following and securing sponsors. Today, he embraces the title of Adventure Filmmaker, sharing life's extraordinary moments through a merchandise line that supports future adventures and videos. Join him on this incredible journey.

Follow Dustin’s adventures:
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